• 21 марта 2019, четверг
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Film and Discussion: “Alex and Me”

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1874 дня назад
21 марта 2019 c 12:30 до 15:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

With the upcoming Women’s World Cup tournament in June 2019 American Center and the U.S. Embassy in Moscow invite you to a screening of "Alex and Me". 

"Alex and Me" is an uplifting story of the passion and drive it takes to succeed and the power of family to help realize your dreams. This is an American fantsy-sports comedy film written and directed by Eric Champnella in his feature dubut. The film stars soccer player Alex Morgan in her acting debut and Siena Agudong.

The screening will be followed by a Facebook livestreamed Q&A session with Alex Morgan, U.S. soccer superstar.

The screening and discussion is open to everybody, but will be most interesting to youth and their families.


#film #usa #sports


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