• 3 апреля 2019, среда
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Lecture: "Food Island: How Russia Feeds Itself - and the World"

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1862 дня назад
3 апреля 2019 c 18:30 до 20:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow and American Center invite you to a special lecture "Food Island: How Russia Feeds Itself — and the World" by Fulbright Scholar Stephan Sveshnikov.

Nearly five years after Russia banned most food imports from the United States and Europe, the gastronomical landscape in Russia has changed dramatically. The trend toward local food "made in Russia" is affecting everyone from small farmers to giant retailers. But what’s going on behind the scenes and the pretty packaging? Is there really a Russian Food Renaissance? And where does it all go from here?

Stephan Sveshnikov is a senior history major at Yale University, specializing in Russia and Eastern Europe. He is a freelance writer and Fulbright Scholar currently based in Moscow. His Fulbright research focuses on organic farming and the local food movement in Russia.


#lecture #farming #Russia


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