• 8 апреля 2019, понедельник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Arduino Self-Study Class

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1863 дня назад
8 апреля 2019 c 15:00 до 16:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

Do you want to make the first step in robotics? Come to our class and try Arduino, one of the best platforms for robotics and engineering!

We invite everyone interested in STEAM in general and robotics and engineering in particular to our news self-study class on Arduino. Come and practice how to program this open-source robotics platform with easy-to-use soft- and hardware that allows creating astonishing projects from an alarm system to robot-cleaner and many others! 

Please, note that this is a self-study class and it means that there will be no teacher except class coordinator, who will help with the first set-up and give study resources.

All the electronics will be provided by the American Center.

We recommend this class for teens older than 14 years old, otherwise, adults should accompany their children.

Class coordinator Ekaterina Grashina, AMC volunteer.

 #workshop #stem



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