• 15 мая 2019, среда
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Russian American History Video Contest 2019 Winning Films screening

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1831 день назад
15 мая 2019 c 18:00 до 20:00
Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Can you think of an American object, idea or innovation that can be found in Russia today and serves as an example of our shared history and values?

That was the topic of the Russian American History Video Contest 2019. Winning teams will come to the American Center to introduce their films and share their impressions about participating in the contest.

This year invited teams consisting of three students (8-10th grades) and a teacher, created a video, animation, comic book panels, artwork, or a cartoon. It could be about something from America in a community owned by a friend or relative, or something in a nearby museum or school. The subject could also be found through online searches. It could be a physical object, or it could be an invention or innovation (technological, cultural, linguistic, or otherwise) that has survived until today. But it must exist in Russia.

More about the contest and the winners at https://www.fortrosscontest.online


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