• 17 мая 2019, пятница
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Business Game on Project Management

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1827 дней назад
17 мая 2019 c 19:00 до 20:00
Новинский бульвар, 21
You are welcome to participate in an interactive and intensive business game. You will learn how to implement Project Management techniques and take part in a business game where participants will create short presentations of randomly chosen business project-ideas and level up their quick response reaction, public speaking and entrepreneurial spirit.   
What will we do?
We will create a list of bussiness ideas (project ideas) => each participant will receive an idea => everybody will have time to prepare a short presentation or prepare it in group, using  Project Management Techniques => present an idea => choose the best presentaion.
What is important? 
- speak
- ask
- develop yourself 
What skills will we develop?
- quick response
- system thinking
- public speaking
- leadership skills
- project management understanding 
At the end we will hold Q&A session and discuss real IT projects, such as automation of business processes, business intelligence, technical features, etc.   
Led by Veronika Likhacheva, experienced Project Manager, AMC volunteer.

#lecture #management #businessgame


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