• 29 мая 2019, среда
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Workshop: “How Information Media Work”

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1815 дней назад
29 мая 2019 c 19:00 до 20:00
Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Welcome to a series of workshops on how information media work. We will research how the news is made and why it is presented in this or that way, how to tell the difference between fake news and reliable news, what makes content viral and how it becomes click-bait.

Session 4: Making a News Program. Here we will learn how media professionals create news programs. We will explore radio and television specifics. Why they use so many different instruments to present information: host inside the studio, live coverage of correspondents, and their taped news stories. And also discussion with experts and audience. And interviews with keyspeakers. What for? Why take so much trouble if one can substitute all this crowd? There is a reason. We will explain. And why news program is composed in this order. We will get back to our information levels conception and expand on it. As a homework we students are asked to compose their own news program, magazine or portal with only newsheads.

Led by Sergey Korneevsky, AMC Volunteer, media professional with 12+ years of experience.


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