• 7 июня 2019, пятница
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Talk: “Halston, Famous American Designer and My Uncle”

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1796 дней назад
7 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

Welcome to a meeting with Lesley Frowick, a niece of Roy Halston Frowick, famous fashion designer. 

Lesley is coming to Moscow to present her documentary film “Halston” shot on her book at the Beat Film Festival. Halston became one of the main stars of 1970s thanks to his remarkable ambitions and talent.

Roy Halston Frowick, award winning American fashion designer and mentor, was also a family man whose values were deeply rooted in the Midwest. He regularly brought his family into his exotic life orchestrating reunions at his seaside retreat in Montauk. Lesley is one of his six adoring nieces who, after a childhood living mostly abroad with her US diplomat father, had the unique fortune of landing in Halston’s orbit during the 1980s. Lesley was immediately thrust into Halston’s supercharged high fashion lifestyle, preparing for Halston’s Spring Collection at his Olympic Tower showroom on Fifth Avenue. In the same breath they were working closely with Martha Graham ahead of her Legion of Honor award gala at the Paris Opera. This was the frenetic pace that she learned to maintain at Halston’s heels. Halston introduced Lesley to his dazzling world dressing her for the public appearance at his side. 

Halston’s charisma, grace and beauty attracted family and friends to his dynamic inner circle. He had a way of making those lucky ones walk away feeling as though they were the most important in his life, that they had proprietary rights to his legacy as they unwittingly helped shape it. Lesley is one of the many players from the inner circle whose utmost desire is to hold Halstons memory to the highest regard and to impart to the world a taste of Halston style. 

Halston gave her his personal archive with the directive to write his story if she chose. She is delighted to share with the world this insightful tribute to her beloved uncle Halston, an homage to one of Americas great cultural icons. 

Lesley is the author of the definitive biography on the life of Halston published by Rizzoli, co-curator of Halston and Warhol Silver and Suede and the Halston Style exhibit at Nassau County Museum, NY. She is the co-producer of the recently released Halston documentary and currently a free lance photographer.  

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