• 13 июня 2019, четверг
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Talk: "Teaching Entrepreneurial Spirit"

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1802 дня назад
13 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21
Welcome to a talk on teaching entrepreneurial mindset and developing business skills.
The event organized by Russian Business Leaders program alumni.
Speaker’s bio:
Amelia Marckworth is the Assistant Director of the Seattle University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, which provides students with experiential learning opportunities that also benefit the local business community. In this capacity, she leads programs that promote business planning, entrepreneurship, and community development — including an annual business plan competition, a six-month accelerator program, and a project that employs students as client relationship managers to connect local minority-owned micro-enterprise businesses with needed resources. She is highly experienced in startup coaching, program design and management, and community engagement.
Amelia holds a Master’s Degree in Nonprofit Leadership as well as a Graduate Certificate in Fundraising Leadership from Seattle University. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Washington in Law, Societies, and Justice. She is committed to projects and programs that promote sustainable development, social justice, and economic empowerment. She has visited countries in Central America, Europe, and Asia and hopes to visit many more.


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