• 21 июня 2019, пятница
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Talk: “Ernest Hemingway in the Soviet Union”

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1793 дня назад
21 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21
Welcome to a special talk by Dr. Frederick H. White, Professor of Russian and Integrated Studies at Utah Valley University.
Influenced by the theories of Pierre Bourdieu and Pascale Casanova, this lecture explores the role of the scholar and translator in consecrating the work of Ernest Hemingway for the Soviet literary market. Ivan Kashkin (1899-1963) was the leading translator of the American writer’s work into Russian, including a two-volume edition of selected works in 1959, and the author of the influential critical-biography, Ernest Hemingway, published in Moscow in 1966. Translation is a crucial element in the attainment of literary capital beyond the author’s national borders, therefore Kashkin’s publications legitimized Hemingway’s literary works within the Soviet Union as early as 1934. This lecture will concentrate on the Hemingway’s introduction to the Soviet market in the 1930s; his exclusion from it due to the novel For Whom the Bell Tolls; Kashkin’s “re-reading” of Hemingway in the 1950s, and publication of his Soviet biography in 1971.
Speaker’s bio:

Dr. Frederick H. White is Professor of Russian and Integrated Studies at Utah Valley University. He has published six books and over thirty academic articles on Russian literature, film and culture. He is one of the leading specialists on the writer Leonid Andreev and has published in the areas of Russian Modernism, psychology and literature in the Russian fin de siècle, the economics of culture and post-Soviet cinema. Recently, he has published a book of memoirs, interviews, scholarly essays and biographical documents that relate to the recently deceased filmmaker Aleksei Balabanov. At present, he is working on a book provisionally titled Hemingway in the Soviet Union, which concentrates on the efforts made by Soviet literary agents to interest the American author in the Soviet experiment.

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