• 10 июня 2019, понедельник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Talk on American Culture

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1793 дня назад
10 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

Interested in learning more about American Culture and life? Join our special meeting with Maggie Vatter and Sabina Ramic, CIEE Program students. They will talk about their home states, study esperience at U.S. colleges and popular sports.

Maggie is going to talk about her home city, Boston. The city of Boston is the birthplace of the American revolution. Boston is a city of great historical and cultural importance in America. There will be a range of topics covered from sports to food to history.

Sabina is going to share her experience of being a part of the Jr USA National Team and the Senior USA National Team and competing in the US Open and Jr Olympics.

This is an informal way to communicate in English, learn about culture and history of the United States.

Guest speakers: Margaret Vatter is a student at University of Massachusetts-Boston where studies International Relations, Economics, and the Spanish Language. Sabina Ramic is studying at the University of South Florida, is volunteering in multiple local organizations, and is a karate multi-medalist in the US Open and Jr Olympics in Las Vegas, Nevada.

#usa #cuture


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