• 14 июня 2019, пятница
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Lecture: "Siberia’s High-Latitude forests"

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1801 день назад
14 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow and American Center invite you to a special lecture "Siberia’s high-latitude forests" by Fulbright Core Scholar Claire G. Williams (Bridgwater), Ph.D.

What do we each like best about high-latitude Siberia’s conifer forests, or taiga? Some people might say wildlife, fishing, clean water and fresh air. Others might say favorite foods: making ukha, harvesting berries or seaweed or maybe eating cedar nuts with honey. Come with us, a research team, as we work in central Siberia’s forests near the Yenisei River and show how surprisingly connected the taiga is to the rest of the world.

Speaker’s bio:

Claire G. Williams (Bridgwater), Ph.D., Research Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, American University Washington D.C.

Claire Williams, a graduate of North Carolina State University, has served as a tenured full professor at Texas A&M, AAAS fellow at U.S. Dept of State and program manager at Weyerhaeuser Company R&D. She is currently a Fulbright Core Scholar to the Sukachev Institute of Forest in Krasnoyarsk where her research project on forest pollen there includes collaborators from Georg August Universität at Göttingen DE and the Max Planck Institute of Biogeochemistry at Jena DE. Professor Williams has published over 80 peer-reviewed papers and two books, one of which is Conifer Reproductive Biology. This is also the title of a research blog found at diplohaplontic.wordpress.com/.>

#lecture #environment #climatechange #fulbright



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