• 18 июня 2019, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Media Literacy: Tools for Reading the 21st Century

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1797 дней назад
18 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:00
Новинский бульвар, д. 21

In this workshop series we’ll discuss the importance of media literacy for navigating the 21st century. Being media literate is a prerequisite for thriving in today’s world. Once it was enough to understand the words, but now it’s crucial to know what the messages are telling you, who wrote them, and what are they trying to do. In these sessions participants will learn how to define and understand media literacy, grasp its importance for thriving in a digital world, and spot misleading and false information from far away.

Session 3: Who owns the news? In this session, through a series of activities using international examples, we will attempt to figure out who owns a publication, what their point of view is, and some other characteristics to help understand what journalistic biases might be lurking behind a name. We will do some group work, so please bring a cooperative attitude and a computer/smart phone if possible (this is not required). 

Led by Joe Crescente, the Media Literacy Fellow, media professional, university instructor, and writer.


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