American Center Moscow
8 мая 2024 c 18:00 до 19:00, 279 дней назад
What potential harms do we face when we engage with content online? In this informative presentation on Wednesday, May 8 at 6 pm MSK, Sam Woolley and Zelly Martin will discuss their work at the Center for Media Engagement at the University of Texas at Austin on mis- and disinformation, conspiracy theories, and emerging technologies.
6 мая 2024 c 20:00 до 21:00, 281 день назад
Join us for an informative presentation and Q&A session about the role of generations in American politics on Monday, May 6, at 20:00 MSK with David Schultz, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science at Hamline University and national expert on election law, professional ethics, state constitutional law, and eminent domain and land use law.
1 мая 2024 c 20:00 до 21:00, 286 дней назад
On Wednesday, May 1, please join us at 8 pm MSK for a virtual lecture on how remote work, AI, the gig economy, automation, and changing industries are transforming the professional landscape, and learn about skills that are needed to thrive in the future workplace.
с 18:00 24 января до 19:30 1 мая 2024, 384 дня назад
Portable camcorders ushered in the era of Reality TV. The popular animated series The Simpsons gave rise to irreverent political comedy as incisive entertainment. And the internet revolutionized communication and the consumption of media. MTV, Friends, hip-hop … all of these American pop culture icons and events were born in the ’90s. In this fun and entertaining program, we’ll learn English through a pop culture lens. Come ready to watch and discuss American TV shows, movies, comics, and music!
с 15:00 28 марта до 20:00 30 апреля 2024, 320 дней назад
The American Center in Moscow invites all space enthusiasts to take part in this exciting lecture series, "Earth to Space," which will be held virtually from March 28 – April 30.
29 апреля 2024 c 20:00 до 21:00, 288 дней назад
Americans love dramatic astronomical events, especially if it’s something they may never be able to see again. On April 8, millions of Americans traveled to the “path of totality”—a swath of the country that spanned 11 contiguous states—to see the moon step in front of the sun for 4-½ minutes. It was a cultural moment. And not just because everyone was wearing the same sunglasses! Come learn all about this incredible event from an astronomy expert!
29 апреля 2024 c 18:00 до 19:00, 288 дней назад
The American Center in Moscow’s monthly “Meet a Poet” series returns on Monday, April 29, 2024, with American poet Elaine Equi. Tune in online at 6 PM MSK to enjoy the reading and to ask our poet your questions live!
26 апреля 2024 c 20:00 до 21:00, 291 день назад
Don't miss out on our exclusive music feedback session on April 19, featuring personal input from LA-based producer and educator Jared Selter!
25 апреля 2024 c 19:00 до 20:00, 292 дня назад
On April 25 at 19:00 the American Center in Moscow invites all space enthusiasts to a lecture about the galaxies from Irene Vargas-Salazar, PhD student from the University of Michigan. This lecture is held as part of the "Earth to Space" lecture series on March 28 - April 30. / Американский центр в Москве приглашает всех любителей космоса 25 апреля в 19:00 на лекцию о галактиках. Эта лекция проводится в рамках цикла лекций "Earth to Space" с 28 марта по 30 апреля.
с 18:00 8 февраля до 19:30 25 апреля 2024, 369 дней назад
Teaching is a challenging job—one that requires a substantial rasher of resilience to maintain both professional focus and joy. In this series of six workshops designed especially for Russian English language educators, you’ll learn how to “put your own oxygen mask on first”—an American idiom that illustrates the need to help yourself before you can help others. We’ll focus on ways you can build up your own resilience—and then help your students do the same.
23 апреля 2024 c 19:00 до 20:00, 294 дня назад
If you’re interested in learning more about how the James Webb Space Telescope is investigating the potential for life on other planets, log in and learn more from NASA astrophysicist Matt Greenhouse. / Если вам интересно узнать больше о том, как телескоп Джеймса Уэбба ищет жизнь на других планетах, подключайтесь к лекции астрофизика НАСА Мэтта Гринхауза 23 апреля.
16 апреля 2024 c 20:00 до 21:00, 301 день назад
Join us for a cosmic adventure through our solar system with renowned space educator Janet (of the popular YouTube series, Janet’s Planet)! Janet will take you on a journey that features fascinating facts, awe-inspiring visuals, and stellar insights. / Присоединяйтесь к нашему космическому путешествию по Солнечной системе с известным популяризатором космоса Джанет (из популярного сериала на YouTube “Janet’s Planet”)! Вас ждут увлекательные факты, впечатляющая графика и новые открытия!
12 апреля 2024 c 20:00 до 21:00, 305 дней назад
Don't miss this opportunity to tune into "In Studio: For the Record" with Jared Selter, hosted by the American Center in Moscow. Dive into sound design, composition, and music theory with the Los Angeles-based producer known for his work with Eastwest Quantum Leap Orchestra and HBOmax's "Legendary."
10 апреля 2024 c 20:00 до 21:00, 307 дней назад
10 апреля в 20:00 МСК Американский Центр в Москве приглашает всех интересующихся космосом на презентацию об устройстве ракеты от Никиты Матасова. Данная презентация проводится в рамках серии лекций "Earth to Space" 28 марта - 30 апреля.
29 марта 2024 c 19:00 до 20:00, 319 дней назад
On Friday, March 29, 2024, at 19:00 MSK, please join Dr. Yvonne Howell, Professor of Russian and Global Studies at the University of Richmond, VA in the United States, for an enlightening conversation with moderator Laura Ann Singh.
28 марта 2024 c 15:00 до 16:00, 320 дней назад
On March 28, at 15:00 Moscow time, the American Center in Moscow invites all space enthusiasts to a presentation about the role of student clubs in STEM education from rocketry club presidents Sicoya Bellis and Alex Langenstein. This presentation is held as part of the "Earth to Space" lecture series from March 28 - April 30.
с 11:00 18 января до 12:30 28 марта 2024, 390 дней назад
Join a series of online viewing sessions of the “American English Live: Teacher Development Series 19” webcasts every other Thursday from January 18, 2024, through March 28, 2024, at 11 AM. MSK. Following the webcasts, there will be a discussion with Amy Pascucci, English Language Specialist.
с 20:00 24 января до 21:30 27 марта 2024, 384 дня назад
Join us on Wednesdays/Thursdays at 20:00 MSK, January 24 – March 27, for a series of enlightening conversations with a diverse cohort of American authors, teachers, arts practitioners, and more who continue to share their interest and knowledge in Russian arts, society, culture and history with the American academic community and public.
26 марта 2024 c 20:30 до 21:30, 322 дня назад
Join Conductor Naima Burrs in conversation with pianist/arranger Marlysse Simmons as they discuss Burr's upbringing, career as a teacher, musician, and conductor, and the significance of trailblazing women in classical music who paved the way for women conductors today.
25 марта 2024 c 19:00 до 20:00, 323 дня назад
Learn how to overcome anxiety and boost your confidence with Erin Helland, home improvement coach and founder of the HardHat Diplomat! Erin will focus on the logistical and emotional challenges of renovations, big or small, and help you gain valuable organizational tools and insights. Learn how applying project management skills to your home renovation can also help you manage other projects, self-advocate, and make more informed decisions.