American Center Moscow


Москва 10 июня 2019 c 18:30 до 19:30, 1788 дней назад

We are thrilled to welcome you into the world of dance . If music, rhythm, and movement have always been your dream or either something you were never able to live without, we are glad to meet you at our Dance Club. Regardless of your previous experience or its lack, your age, and physical condition, we will try our best to teach you dance as well as the joy of being in the moment with the music and the people around you


Москва 10 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30, 1788 дней назад

American Center is pleased to announce a series of amateur workshops devoted to a creative process of staging a theatrical play on the spot. During the workshop participants will read a modern short American play, discuss its setting, content, characters. Then volunteer actors will try to play it on an improvised stage


Москва 10 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30, 1788 дней назад

Interested in learning more about American Culture and life? Join our special meeting with Maggie Vatter and Sabina Ramic, CIEE Program students. They will talk about their home states, study esperience at U.S. colleges and popular sports. Maggie is going to talk about her home city, Boston


Москва 10 июня 2019 c 15:00 до 16:30, 1788 дней назад

Do you want to make the first step in robotics? Come to our class and try Arduino, one of the best platforms for robotics and engineering!


Москва 7 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30, 1791 день назад

Выступление в формате TED Talk (18 минут и далее сессия вопрос-ответ) о личном опыте учебы в американской школе. Чем отличается американская школа? Какие впечатления и открытия ждут студента (так здесь называют школьников)? Какие 3 обязательных составляющих включены в учебный план? Почему все дети делают домашнее задание? Почему, выпускаясь из школы, подросток уже готов к работе? Что особенно нравится в американской школе? С презентацией выступит Полина Шкарупа, 16 лет


Москва 7 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30, 1791 день назад

Welcome to a meeting with Lesley Frowick, a niece of Roy Halston Frowick , famous fashion designer.  Lesley is coming to Moscow to present her documentary film “Halston” shot on her book at the Halston became one of the main stars of 1970s thanks to his remarkable ambitions and talent


Москва 7 июня 2019 c 17:00 до 18:30, 1791 день назад

Welcome to the American Center’s Public Debate Club, a weekly program devoted to the presentation and discussion of some of today’s greatest societal hurdles, along with their potential solutions. Individual club meetings will focus around a central theme and aid participants in acquiring skills such as: effective public speaking, critical & strategic thinking and organization. This club is open to all, but may be of special interest to those looking for an opportunity to engage in interesting discussions in English — ultimately leading to a greater understanding and speaking. The topic of this week's debate is: Should the drinking age be lowered from 21 to a younger age ? Led by  Tatiana Levshina and Irina Perfilova, AMC Volunteer s. #club #learn_english


Москва 6 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:00, 1792 дня назад

Join our English Conversation Club. This group is open to everyone with all levels of English and is a fun way to learn more about American culture, practice speaking English and meet new people. The event is facilitated by the American Center in Moscow and led by Rilley Kaye McKenna, AMC Intern . #english #learnenglish #communicate #culture


Москва 6 июня 2019 c 17:00 до 18:00, 1792 дня назад

A discussion group focusing on current events of this particular week.


Москва 6 июня 2019 c 16:00 до 18:00, 1792 дня назад

Stop by the Media Lab at the American Center to chat with Joseph Crescente, our Media Literacy Fellow. Come to discuss media literacy and to learn about the equipment and opportunities offered at the lab. These drop-in hours are informal - no question is too small! #medialiteracy #medialab #produce


Москва 5 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:00, 1793 дня назад

Welcome to a series of workshops on how information media work. We will research how the news is made and why it is presented in this or that way, how to tell the difference between fake news and reliable news, what makes content viral and how it becomes click-bait. Session 5: Unpacking a News Story


Москва 5 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:00, 1793 дня назад

Welcome to our interactive lecture series: “Three, two, one… Done!” Here you will learn how to make good decisions and get things done. These sessions will tell you about American personalities and their contributions into modern theories that shape decision making process


Москва 5 июня 2019 c 18:30 до 19:30, 1793 дня назад

This talk, aimed at entrepreneurs and owners of small and middle businesses, will cover the possibilities of social media (especially Facebook and Instagram) in attracting customers. The listeners will learn about marketing features of Facebook & Instagram, what should be done before a marketing campaign, how to choose the goal of an ad campaign, the rules for an ad campaign, what results can be achieved, and services that can help you with effective marketing. Join us to understand how social media marketing works and how to attracts clients though Facebook and Instagram. Led by Alena Mitianina , marketing manager and AMC volunteer. #talk #marketing #socialmedia


Москва 5 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30, 1793 дня назад

Приглашаем Вас на вечер, посвященному 130-летию со дня рождения Игоря Сикорского, русского и американского авиаконструктора, учёного, изобретателя, философа. Игорь Иванович Сикорский - создатель первых в мире: четырёхмоторного самолёта 'Русский витязь' (1913), тяжёлого четырёхмоторного бомбардировщика и пассажирского самолёта 'Илья Муромец' (1914), трансатлантического гидроплана, серийного вертолета одновинтовой схемы (США, 1942)


Москва 4 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:00, 1794 дня назад

If you want to develop your fluency and overcome a language barrier in speaking English, we invite you to join Board Game Nights every other Tuesday. There you will be able to expand your vocabulary and practice your spoken English while playing Alias, Imaginarium, Monopoly ano other entertaining board games


Москва 4 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:00, 1794 дня назад

In this workshop series we’ll discuss the importance of media literacy for navigating the 21st century. Being media literate is a prerequisite for thriving in today’s world. Once it was enough to understand the words, but now it’s crucial to know what the messages are telling you, who wrote them, and what are they trying to do


Москва 3 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:00, 1795 дней назад

In 2007, Sir Ken Robinson gave a thought provoking lecture titled 'Do schools kill creativity?' that remains relevant to this day. Today we will answer this question for ourselves, share experiences studying or working in schools, and discuss what changes - if any - need to be made to educate today's youth and tomorrow's leaders. Led by Chase Philpot, AMC Intern and former Fulbright English Language Teaching Assistant #discussion #talk #education


Москва 3 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30, 1795 дней назад

Как спланировать путешествие? Какой вид транспорта выбрать для передвижения? Где питаться? Что можно и что нельзя брать с собой на борт самолета? Как себя вести в национальных парках? Почему в разных городах разный налог? Эти и многие другие вопросы мы обсуждаем на нашей интерактивной лекции о туристическом путешествии в США. Тема 2: Планирование путешествия в Нью-Йорк, Вашингтон и Бостон. #usa #travel #lecture  


Москва 3 июня 2019 c 18:30 до 19:30, 1795 дней назад

We are thrilled to welcome you into the world of dance . If music, rhythm, and movement have always been your dream or either something you were never able to live without, we are glad to meet you at our Dance Club. Regardless of your previous experience or its lack, your age, and physical condition, we will try our best to teach you dance as well as the joy of being in the moment with the music and the people around you


Москва 3 июня 2019 c 15:00 до 16:30, 1795 дней назад

Do you want to make the first step in robotics? Come to our class and try Arduino, one of the best platforms for robotics and engineering!
