ELT Week: What do English as a Medium of Instruction teachers need to know about language?

Dr. Mabbott will discuss what math, science, and social studies need to know about language in order to teach effectively in English when their students are not yet fluent in English.

Иностранные языки 16+

The American Center in Moscow and the English Language Office are inviting practicing and aspiring English language teachers to English Language Teaching Week on October 21-25, 2019. ELT Week at AMC is a week of daily lectures and workshops from ELT specialists on various aspects of teaching English as a foreign language. The topics covered will include teaching English through video, teaching speaking, teaching academic writing, EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction), and creating an online EL course.

On October 22, you are invited to a special lecture by English Language Specialist, Professor Emeritus Ann Mabbott, Hamline University, on English as a Medium of Instruction.

Dr. Mabbott will discuss what math, science, and social studies need to know about language in order to teach effectively in English when their students are not yet fluent in English. 

Speaker’s bio:

In 2018 Dr. Mabbott was announced an English Language Specialist by the U.S. Department of State and continues to share her expertise around the globe during her retirement.

Before retiring and being named emeritus in August, Mabbott was an accomplished Professor within Hamline’s School of Education for over two decades. In addition to securing the ELM grant, she was the Director of the Center for Second Language Teaching and Learning from 1996-2009, and was invited to speak nationally and internationally as an expert in how to teach English as a second language.


Schedule of ELT Week events:

October 21 (Monday) at 6-7:30 pm: Workshop: Motivating Teens: Video in the EFL Classroom by Irina Kostyukovich, British Council teacher-trainer since 1998

October 22 (Tuesday) at 5-6 pm: Workshop: Say Something! Teaching Speaking by Vera Bobkova, Access program coordinator

October 22 (Tuesday) at 6-7:30 pm: Lecture: What do English as a Medium of Instruction teachers need to know about language? by Ann Mabbott, English Language Specialist (English Language Office)

October 23 (Wednesday) at 5:00-6:30 pm: Workshop: Academic Writing + Rhetorical Analysis by Leticia Medina, English Language Fellow (English Language Office)

October 24 (Thursday) at 5:30-7:30 pm: Workshop: Backwards Course Design

October 25 (Friday) at 5-6:30 pm: Seminar: Theory and Practice of Online Course Design by Vladimir Mikhailov, Moscow Pedagogical State University

#english #teachingandlearning #tefl


1830 дней назад
22 октября 2019 18:00–19:30

Новинский бульвар, 21
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