Lecture Series: Earth to Space

The American Center in Moscow invites all space enthusiasts to take part in this exciting lecture series, "Earth to Space," which will be held virtually from March 28 – April 30.

Наука 12+

To mark the annual celebration of Cosmonautics Day on April 12, the American Center in Moscow will host a month-long lecture series “Earth to Space.” Each week in April represents a different "stop" on a journey to the stars and through the cosmos, showing various aspects of space exploration. You will be able to view events focused on the designated "stop" throughout the whole month. See the schedule below.

Space enthusiasts of all ages are welcome! All events held in English will have Russian subtitles. 

Schedule :

*The schedule will be updated as more speakers are confirmed.

Week 1. First Stop: Earth 

March 28 at 15:00 — 16:00 MSK / 8:00 — 9:00 AM EDT

“How Student Clubs Support STEM Education and Careers” by Sicoya Bellis, a NASA Community College Aerospace Scholar and current Mechanical Engineering student at North Seattle College, and Alex Langenstein, a graduate of North Seattle College’s Mechatronics Associates of Applied Science degree program.

April 2 at 20:00 — 21:00 MSK / 1:00 — 2:00 PM EDT

Re-stream: "Talk with NASA Astronaut Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger"  (lecture translated into Russian)

Week 2. Second Stop: Orbit 

April 9 at 20:00 — 21:00 Moscow / 1:00 — 2:00 PM EDT

Re-stream: "Talk with NASA Astronaut Cady Coleman Lessons from Space for the Crew back on Earth"  (in English)

April 10 at 20:00 — 21:00 MSK / 1:00 — 2:00 PM EDT

"How does a rocket work?", speaker Nikita Matasov, aerospace engineer and popularizer of astronautics.

Week 3. Third Stop: Solar System 

April 16 at 20:00 — 21:00 MSK / 1:00 — 2:00 PM EDT

“Janet’s Planet Tour of the Solar System” by Janet Ivey, President of Explore Mars and Creator of the award-winning Janet’s Planet.


Week 4. Last Stop: Stars And Galaxies 

April 23 at 19:00 — 20:00 MSK / 12:00 — 1:00 PM EDT

“The James Webb Space Telescope Mission” by Matt Greenhouse, Astrophysicist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Emeritus).


April 25 at 19:00 — 20:00 MSK / 12:00 — 1:00 PM EDT 

"Galaxies of the Universe" by Irene Vargas-Salazar, a PhD student in Astronomy at the University of Michigan

Бонусная лекция: 26 апреля в 20:00-21:00 по московскому времени

Беседа с космическим архитектором: космические инновации для умных устойчивых городов. Приглашенный эксперт: Ольга Баннова, профессор-исследователь в университете Хьюстона, кандидат технических наук, директор SISCA (международного центра космической архитектуры), руководитель программы бакалавриата по космической архитектуре. 

Это мероприятие проводится в рамках серии лекций "Do Cities Dream?", которое посвящено современным практикам и подходам к цифровым инновациям в городской среде. Язык мероприятия: русский. 


April 29 at 20:00 — 21:00 MSK / 1:00 — 2:00 PM EDT 

“The 2024 Solar Eclipse: Path of Totality!” by Amelia Lindsay-Kaufman, a science communicator.  


Register for the entire lecture series or select specific events by following the provided links.




To watch these events live, tune in to the American Center in Moscow’s YouTube channel and VK page. You can also watch the recordings of these events on the same platforms after the event’s end.

You can register below and leave your valid email address to receive a reminder 30 minutes before the online event begins.

To join other AMC Online programs, please check the American Center’s website and TimePad calendars.


317 дней назад
28 марта 15:00 — 30 апреля 2024 20:00

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